Saturday, April 14, 2007

Much Learned From Mr. Lerner

After Mr. Learner's visit, I've decided that my extended essay has to be much less conceptual, and much less dependent on 'dubious sources'. Therefore I'd like to throw a few other ideas on the table.
Doing an extended essay on the externalities caused by large corporations is definitly a viable option seeing as I have many contacts within with Nike in Holland. The European headquarters is in my home town, so many of my school mates were Nike-children.
In any case, it appears we are back to the brainstorming...

1 comment:

Jason Welker said...


Alright, glad to see you're thinking about your essay in more depth. I think there's certainly a lot to do on externalities, especially here in China. Always good to have those personal contacts too.

Mr. W